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Our Ministries

No matter what stage of life you're in, Jesus wants us to continue to grow in our faith.  Because of this, we offer age appropriate ministry times that are strategically designed to make you a solid believer.  These opportunities also serve as relationship building as they allow you to connect with other likeminded people.

Soul'd Out Kids

Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

Ages 4-11

Led by Pastor Carla

Interactive music, object lessons, games, puppets, relevant teaching, and so much more!  The SOK ministry teaches the kids of today to be servants of tomorrow!

Student Ministry

Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.

Ages 12 to 18 (High School)

Led by Casey & Kaitlyn Roque

Relevant teachings from God's word.  We have a state-of-the-art student facility that includes a worship center, gym, "The Cage", and a coffee shop.  Our students are growing in Christ every week, so come be a part of what God is doing!

High Voltage Kids

Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.

Led by Pastor Carla

The Bible is the most amazing book ever written, and we strive to bring its stories to life through creative activities and discussions that keep kids engaged.  We want every child to love God's Word and understand the value of applying it to their life.  We know they'll have fun each week as they learn about who God is through games, activities, and video teaching.​

Men's Ministry


Led by Pastor Carroll

Men's Ministry purpose is to build spiritually strong men who are growing in their walk with the Lord.  We consistently encourage each other as iron sharpens iron.  We are always in training for the game plan GOd has given us through his Word.

Sister Chicks


Led by Pastor Carla

Purpose is to build spiritually strong women who are growing in their walk with the Lord.  To show love to each other and give you a place to belong!



Led by Kristy Wylie

PrimeTimers are in the prime of their life!  It is our desire to minister to everyone.  With this in mind, we have a special group of people over 50.  Our goal is to show our PrimeTimers how valuable they are through fun, fellowship, and travel.  They are active participants in all of the ministries of the church.

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